The Hand-Powered Pumper
In colonial times fire fighting was nothing more technologically advanced as a collection of buckets and a crowd of men. Known as a “bucket brigade” these men would simply pass buckets full of water...
View ArticleA Highway Location
It was in 1863 that the state of Michigan authorized the appropriation of swamp lands to Houghton and Keweenaw Counties for the construction of a “Mineral Range State Road” – a publicly built wagon...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Awe-Inspiring Houses of Worship in the Copper Country
The Copper Empire was a massive industrial enterprise, one that required a great deal of manual labor for its operation. As a result the Keweenaw was soon inundated by workers from all across the...
View ArticleScrapbook Fridays: Rails New and Old Edition
With our recent look at the old Q&TL rail yards I thought we’d dig into the old mailbag to tell a few more stories relating to the Copper Country’s railroad history, via a few reader’s...
View ArticleScrapbook Fridays: Roadside Edition
Its Friday once again, and that means another Scrapbook Friday. This week we delve back into our old postcard collection, this time taking a look at a few of the Copper Country’s roadside Americana...
View ArticlePlease Support Your Local History Website!
Ten years is a long time. In such a span of time our planet has traveled over 5 billion miles through the cosmos, and the humans that ride along have seen the sun rise and set nearly 4 thousand times....
View ArticleMaking Memories with CCE
As a student in his first few years of coursework at Michigan Tech there were two things to do in place of studying or attending class. The first of these requires no explanation for those who also...
View ArticleThe Cliff Range
“The spot where I stood was a bare flat rock, the highest peak of the Keweenaw Point, upon Lease, No. 10, belonging to the Albion Mining Company. I had heard this view glowingly described, but my...
View ArticleA Note of Thanks…
Dear CCE Readers… As we enter the Holiday season I thought I’d take a break from our usual programming to send a heartfelt and well deserved thank you to all of our wonderful readers! For the past five...
View ArticleSee You Next Year…
A Winter’s Nap Winter has once again laid its cold hand on the land, its harsh winds and heavy snow leaving its mark on the old Copper Country, both in this old postcard and currently as the region has...
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